Wednesday, August 13, 2008

LG PC Monitor Claimed To Be Worlds Greenest

LG Greenest PC Monitor
According to reports, the LG Flatron W2252TE 22-inch LCD monitor, touted to be the world's most energy-efficient monitor has had its energy consumption measured and found to be 19.4 watt--a figure is less than half of what a Dell or Acer monitor consumes, which is about 45-50 watts approximately.

According to the specs, the Flatron monitor carries features such as colour and brightness tweaking via onscreen menus, black bezel, and slightly above average visual quality, including support for a maximum screen resolution of 1680x1050, along with the standard DVI and VGA ports.

The push by vendors for 'green computing' and 'energy-efficient' systems has hit all the main vendors and they have all to varying degrees improved their products and made them eco-friendly.

However apart from marketing hype and strategic brand positioning, any proper and effective implementation of 'green computing' principles on the assembly line would take another couple of years, according to a number of reports.